火车快飞童谣 Fast Train Chinese Nursery Rhyme

4.9 ( 2929 ratings )
게임 교육 교육 음악
개발자: Rabbit Imaginarium
1.99 USD

用耳听! 用手点! 识字快! 让你的孩子由这受欢迎的儿歌来练习识字。
火车快飞童谣app 利用可爱的火车动画和互动式中文字块, 教孩子们识字。

用耳聽! 用手點! 識字快! 讓你的孩子由這受歡迎的兒歌來練習識字。
火車快飛童謠 app 利用可愛的火車動畫和互動式中文字塊, 教孩子們識字。玩字形匹配的迷你遊戲,全部答對了就有歡呼聲喔!

The second installment of our Chinese nursery rhyme series.
Listen, tap, and learn! Let your kids learn to recognize Chinese characters through this popular nursery rhyme.

Fast Train Nursery Rhyme app comes with colorful train graphics and a cheerful rendition of the popular Chinese song “Fast Train”. Through cute animation and Chinese word blocks, kids can infer the meaning of the lyrics. Interactive word blocks teach kids how to pronounce each word.

Play the word matching mini-game, and watch the train go, after whacking away all the matching word blocks!